Little Green Froggy!
Froggy .. who has never heard a frog that turned into a charming Prince! The cute green frog with plenty of dots all over it’s skin, tiny front legs, out of the socket big eyes and wide mouth ..
Froggy .. who has never heard a frog that turned into a charming Prince! The cute green frog with plenty of dots all over it’s skin, tiny front legs, out of the socket big eyes and wide mouth ..
When I was little, I was so amazed by the lotus flower and it’s petals floating on the water surface, looking clean & fresh besides the dirty water in the pond; and the water drops on the flower & it’s petals stayed firmly, immovable by the movement in the water.
One day I saw a video of how this lotus flower emerged from the water blossoming into full flower, opening itself to a new day & smiling to the sun, so beautiful! No wonder lotus flower has been associated with many religions .. Opening to a new day with blossoming flower and purity besides the muddy water they live in ..
And how has it been connected to yoga pose? Besides many other reasons, the lotus pose in yoga – is mentioned as the best sitting posture for meditation that allows us more stability connecting to the earth and feel more alert. I do meditation too and I feel that this lotus pose helps me to focus while meditating…
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